Catching up with Arora post-Paris Replica Handbags UK fashion week, we were struck not only by her beauty but also by the Hermes Replica UK intelligence and grace with which Fake Watches UK she carries herself. Calm and easygoing, she is taking her Swiss Replica Watches success this season in stride. "Every single moment was amazing, and I really enjoyed all the shows I walked," said Arora. "I felt extremely happy and honored to meet the super-talented people that I used to only Rolex Replica UK watch on a TV screen." Each show provided its own pleasures, but Balmain offered the model the chance to come face-to-face with two of her idols, Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima. Working with Balmain designer Olivier Rousteing was its own treat: "Olivier is one of the sweetest people I have met since I started in the Gucci Replica UK business," said Arora. "I didn't get a chance to chat with him during the show day, but during the casting and fittings he was always incredibly sweet and easy to talk to. I have enormous respect for people who embody both talent and kindness, because then you want to root for their success no matter what."
Catching up with Arora post-Paris Replica Handbags UK fashion week, we were struck not only by her beauty but also by the Hermes Replica UK intelligence and grace with which Fake Watches UK she carries herself. Calm and easygoing, she is taking her Swiss Replica Watches success this season in stride. "Every single moment was amazing, and I really enjoyed all the shows I walked," said Arora. "I felt extremely happy and honored to meet the super-talented people that I used to only Rolex Replica UK watch on a TV screen." Each show provided its own pleasures, but Balmain offered the model the chance to come face-to-face with two of her idols, Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima. Working with Balmain designer Olivier Rousteing was its own treat: "Olivier is one of the sweetest people I have met since I started in the Gucci Replica UK business," said Arora. "I didn't get a chance to chat with him during the show day, but during the casting and fittings he was always incredibly sweet and easy to talk to. I have enormous respect for people who embody both talent and kindness, because then you want to root for their success no matter what."

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